Thesis prize 2025
The Société Française de la Neutronique is awarding its thesis prize of €1,500 to a doctoral student who has used neutron scattering as part of his or her thesis work. Candidates may be of French or foreign nationality, but the doctorate must have been awarded by a French establishment and the thesis defended between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2024.
The prize is awarded for high-quality thesis work in which neutron scattering makes a decisive contribution. The thesis prize includes an invitation to present the thesis at the next JDN.
Application deadline: 31st January 2025.
After submission, you will receive an automatic confirmation email with a reminder of what you have submitted.
Application form for the Thesis Prize
The prize-winners
Winner 2024
Jury chaired by Laurent Michot
Tiago Outerelo Corvo
Structures and dynamics of Poly(Ionic liquid) in bulk and at interfaces
Winner 2023
Jury chaired by Virginie Simonet
Mohamed Aouane
Endofullerènes : Dynamique en confinement étudiée par spectroscopie neutronique
Winner 2022
Jury chaired by Christiane Alba-Simionesco
Céline Jaudoin
Winner 2021
Jury chaired by Julian Oberdisse
Geoffrey Monet
Winner 2020
Jury chaired by Pascale Foury
Anastasia Christoulaki
Winner 2019
Jury chaired by José Teixeira
Raphael Dos Santos Morais
Winner 2018
Jury chaired by Charles Simon
Dalila Bounoua
Winner 2017
Jury chaired by Frédéric Nallet
Manila Songvilay
Structures et propriétés d’oxydes magnétiques à topologie frustrée et de basse dimension
Winner 2016
Jury chaired by Liliane Léger
Laura Chaix
Winner 2015
Jury chaired by Jean-Michel Kiat
Alexis Chennevière
Dynamique de chaînes de polymères greffées et le glissement aux interfaces
Winner 2014
Jury chaired by Thomas Zemb
Maxime Deutsch
Winner 2013
Jury chaired by Jean Daillant
Colin Bousige
Structure et dynamique de systèmes unidimensionnels modèles: les nano-peapods de carbone
Winner 2012
Jury chaired by Françoise Leclercq
Victor Balédent
Winner 2011
Jury chaired by Ruep Lechner
Élise Lejeune
Winner 2010
Jury chaired by Gernot Heger
Chloé Chevigny
Winner 2009
Jury chaired by Michèle Leduc
Karine Lagréné
Étude dynamique de polymères sous confinement quasi-uniaxial
Winner 2008
Jury chaired by Jean-Pierre Hansen
Delphine Lebeugle
Winner 2007
Jury chaired by Jacques Villain
Natalie Malikova
Winner 2006
Jury chaired by Bernard Bigot
Stéphane Pailhès
Winner 2005
Jury chaired by Catherine Bréchignac
Ronan Le Toquin
Winner 2004
Jury chaired by Edouard Brezin
Moeava Tehei
Adaptation de la dynamique moléculaire aux conditions extrêmes
Winner 2003
Jury chaired by F. Guillaume